Fix CPU usage 100% on an Asus FX505DT in an easy steps. Have you ever encountered a complete system shutdown while playing a video game? This could be due to a variety of issues, but one of the most typical reasons for a PC to shut down is when the CPU reaches hazardous temperatures.
When a CPU reaches a hazardous temperature, a safety mechanism known as thermal throttling kicks in.
A thermal throttle decreases maximum CPU use when safe operating temperatures are exceeded. As a result, the CPU runs slower and produces less heat, allowing the cooling solution to catch up.
This unexpected delay is frequently the cause of full-system crashes.
Running a component outside of its safe operating temperature voids the warranty is damaging to its integrity and durability and is just a terrible idea in general.
Overheating CPUs can ruin CPU sockets, rendering motherboards worthless if left uncontrolled.
If all of this seems frightening, don’t worry; it’s simply avoidable. Here are some simple methods for lowering CPU temperatures and preventing overheating.
Improve airflow
Having the proper airflow arrangement in your PC is a really simple technique to assure appropriate CPU temps.
Of course, open airflow cases are excluded because they are a completely different beast, but there are a few setups you should be aware of for ‘regular’ PC cases.
First, there’s ‘Positive pressure,’ which puts more air into your PC than is being vented, resulting in hot air virtually stagnating within the PC.
The ‘negative pressure’ configuration, in which more air is expelled from the PC case than enters, is the inverse of this.
This generates a pocket of void space, which we’d like to fill with a beautiful stream of air.
These two arrangements are less than optimal. It would only function effectively if you had access to and full control over every single fan to compensate for either the positive or negative differential.
The optimum arrangement is ‘neutral pressure,’ which means that you have the same amount of air entering as you have exhausting, resulting in a flow of air that does not get trapped or stagnate inside your PC case.
Cable management
Cable management influences, not just CPU temperature control but also overall temperature control.
Messy wires can obstruct a clean flow of air and produce object resistances that are unnecessary when attempting to establish a free-flowing, effective cooling environment. Keep an eye on those cables.
Location of your machine
Another common cause of high CPU temperatures is placing your system in a poorly ventilated environment.
Regardless of how effective your airflow design is or how well-rated for airflow your case is, if you don’t have any cold fresh air getting to your CPU in the first place, it will get heated.
Reapply thermal paste
There has long been a discussion in the PC field that open-air cases are better for ventilation; yet, they are surprisingly paradoxical in that open-air cases cause more problems than they solve; they do, however, look fantastic when done properly.
The cooling capacities become less efficient without a closed directional system, and the open case invites in considerably more dust due to the lack of numerous filters.
Because of these few simple facts, open-air cases are no longer permitted. Unless you’re content with cleaning your computer once a week or so.
When attempting to reduce CPU temps, reapplying thermal paste can work miracles.
When the thermal paste is left undisturbed for an extended time, it becomes dry and splits. Because it is a thermally conductive chemical, it is also susceptible to thermal degradation, therefore the more you use it, the shorter its lifespan.
You can extend the life and efficiency of your thermal paste by selecting a higher-grade product, but thermal paste should normally last a few years.
Because this quantity is subjective and circumstantial, we won’t go into detail about how long thermal paste is supposed to last.
To guarantee proper performance, we recommend changing your thermal paste every one to one and a half years. It’s also a good idea to reapply if you remove your cooler for whatever reason.

Clean your PC
Fans are exclusively responsible for the intake and outflow of air to and from your computer, thus they must be carefully maintained.
Fans are exposed to far more air than most PC components because they are the only gear responsible for pushing air through your PC. All of this air exposure takes dust and debris with it.
Fans, like everything else in your home, accumulate dust and must be cleaned regularly. Don’t be embarrassed; even in the cleanest of homes, PCs get dusty; it’s unavoidable.
All of this dust can cause a variety of issues, ranging from electrical troubles to fan breakdowns, and you don’t want any of these things to happen.
Simply take your PC outside and clean it out with a can of compressed air to clean your fans (and the rest of it).
If you’re a big gamer and think you’ll be doing this a lot, it’s entirely OK to invest in a compressor to spare you from having to buy a can of air every few weeks.
What happens when a CPU reaches a dangerous operating temperature?
To avoid becoming an expensive and extremely deadly electrical fire, most current PCs choose to shut down when the CPU temperature exceeds a specified manufacturer-defined threshold.
This failsafe ensures the safety of both you and your PC, as well as the protection of your PC from future heat harm.
Regardless of this failsafe, high running temperatures that are still within the allowable operating temperatures but higher than ideal might cause CPU and motherboard damage over time, reducing CPU longevity significantly.
This approach applies to all PC components: the higher the steady temperature, the shorter the life expectancy.
When gaming, how hot should my CPU be?
This is a fairly open subject that depends on a variety of factors, including the location of the PC, the chassis, the CPU, the CPU cooler, and the number of fans on the PC, to mention a few.
When under intense CPU load, a standard gaming PC (if such a thing exists) should have temperatures ranging from 158°F (70°C) to 176°F (80°C).
However, the better your cooling solution and the lower your CPU temperature when under load, the better. If you can maintain a CPU temperature of 114°F (46°C) while under load, your CPU will appreciate you in the long run.
The best CPU temperature monitoring software may be found here.
Final thought
Maintaining your CPU’s safe operating temperatures is critical to the function and durability of your PC, and will save it from becoming an expensive smoke machine.
This holds for the bulk of your PC hardware the cooler it is, the longer it should survive, so keep yourself and your PC safe by keeping the temperatures under control.
It’s not only your CPU that’s at risk. High CPU temperatures will eventually destroy your CPU socket or perhaps motherboard, costing you even more money to replace.
This tragic outcome is readily averted by employing at least one of the ten measures listed above. Have fun gaming.